Function Of The Companies Commission Of Malaysia

This corporate body was established in 2001 under the companies commission of malaysia act 2001.
Function of the companies commission of malaysia. To regulate matters relating to. Companies commission of malaysia ccm is an agency under the ministry of domestic trade co operatives and consumerism to incorporate companies and register businesses and ensure compliance with business registration and corporate legislation. The ssm was formed in 2002 under the companies commission of malaysia act 2001 assuming the functions of the registrar of companies and registry of business. Dear valued customer following the announcement by the companies commission of malaysia ssm on 10 april 2020 pertaining to the 30 days moratorium period for the submission of affected statutory documents to ssm please be informed that the moratorium period of.
Suruhanjaya syarikat malaysia abbreviated ssm is a statutory body formed under an act of parliament that regulates corporate and business affairs in malaysia. The companies commission of malaysia ccm is a government agency that actively advocates the practice of good co rporate governance and integrity among companies in mala ysia. Functions power to ensure that the provisions of the companies commission of malaysia act and laws are administered enforced given. It is a result merger between the registrar of companies roc and the registrar of businesses rob in malaysia on april 16 2002.
The setting up of the commission is also the forefront towards a market economy in malaysia. Under the co mpanies. The companies commission of malaysia also known as suruhanjaya syarikat malaysia ssm among the locals is simply a statutory body which was initiated under the act of parliament to regulate all sort of corporate and business affairs in malaysia. The ssm was formed in 2002 under the companies commission of malaysia act 2001 assuming the functions of the registrar of companies and registry of business.
The ssm was formed in 2002 under the companies commission of malaysia act 2001 assuming the functions of the registrar of companies and registry of business. The main purpose of ssm is to serve as an agency to incorporate companies and register businesses as well as to provide company and business information to the public. The companies commission of malaysia malay. The companies commission of malaysia is a statutory body formed under an act of parliament that regulates corporate and business affairs in malaysia.
Functions power members of the commission. The companies commission of malaysia malay. The main purpose of ssm is to serve as an agency to incorporate companies and register businesses as well as to provide company and business information to the public. Pursuant to the companies commission of malaysia act 2001 act 614 ccm is formed as a statutory body which regulates companies and businesses.